Ivona Holzerová

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Ivona Holzerová Financial manager Je absolventkou Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, V RÚZ pôsobí od roku 2017 ako projektová a finančná manažérka. Zodpovedá za riadenie a koordináciu národných a medzinárodných projektov zameraných na sociálny dialóg a podporu jeho kvality, tripartitu, trh práce a zamestnávateľov.

Tripartite Dialogue - The Age of Cooperation

#social dialogue
The project contributes not only to the improvement of social dialogue, but also to the development and strengthening of the effectiveness of structures and processes of labour relations in Slovakia. At the same time, the evaluation index of the Program Statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic comprehensively points to the importance of social dialogue for the general public, which will be regularly informed about priorities, intersections of public policies and current requirements of entrepreneurs.

Social Corporate Participation Space

#social dialogue
The importance of social dialogue within organizations cannot be overstated, as it leads to improved communication, understanding and cooperation among employees, management, and owners. This project aims to prepare a pilot version of an analytical tool that assesses the enterprise level of social compliance based on the know-how implemented in Norway. The tool will be presented to members of the National Union of Employers (NUE) with a possibility of pilot testing at a selected NUE member. The project outcomes will provide an interesting measurement tool for improving enterprise-based social dialogue and contribute to the creation of more participative companies in Slovakia. The project activities will provide a new possibility to measure the effectiveness and quality of social dialogue on the enterprise level in Slovakia, as well as a benchmark for possible improvements.

Smart tripartite cooperation

#social dialogue
The project contributes not only to the improvement of social dialogue, but also to the development and strengthening of the effectiveness of structures and processes of labour relations in Slovakia. At the same time, the evaluation index of the Program Statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic comprehensively points to the importance of social dialogue for the general public, which will be regularly informed about priorities, intersections of public policies and current requirements of entrepreneurs.

Promoting the quality of social dialogue

#social dialogue
The aim of the project is to create space for the professionalization of social dialogue with the potential to streamline and improve the process of preparing legislation at the tripartite level, but also to focus on the content of assessing legislation in the context of increasing Slovakia's competitiveness as well as the extent of social support for the creation of expert documents and training. The aim is also to support the provision of quality and professional responses to the ever-changing labor market situation and to develop more targeted measures to improve the ability of public employment services to provide timely and personalized employment care, based on human resources quality, labor market links, better cooperation with private employment institutions and social dialogue aimed at developing higher employment rate.

Sharing experiences with the Norwegian partner

#social dialogue
On 7 September 2021, a workshop on the Social Dialogue Index was held in Oslo, Norway. The participants of the NUE (expert group) met with Norwegian experts on social dialogue issues. Representatives of the Norwegian project partner - Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) presented a model of social dialogue to experts from the NUE.

Experts of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, visited Bratislava to participate in the brainstorming workshop

#social dialogue
On the 13th of September 2022, experts of the Norwegian partner of the project - the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), visited Bratislava to participate in the brainstorming workshop organized by the NUE in their headquarters.

High quality social dialogue procedures are already making their way from Norway to Slovakia, Oslo

#social dialogue
Representatives and experts of National Union of Employers (NUE), as well as representatives of the Independent Christian Unions of Slovakia, participated in a workshop on measuring the quality of social dialogue and the social environment in companies and organizations that has taken place on 12th, January 2023 in Oslo.