
Lifelong learning
Technological progress and the associated digitization and automation of industry are making lifelong learning an increasingly topical and debated topic.
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Lifelong learning

#Lifelong learning
Technological progress and the associated digitization and automation of industry are making lifelong learning an increasingly topical and debated topic.

Skills for the future of a competitive job market in Slovakia

The world is in the process of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - that is an indisputable fact. These industrial revolutions have brought so far have had a radical impact on employees. Many jobs have disappeared, but an even more significant amount has been created, and others have undergone a substantial change in qualification requirements. Experience shows that the industrial revolution is not a "scarecrow"; more jobs have been created than lost, but at the same time, what has been done to the full and only in favor of those who were ready for its arrival. Employers have had to keep up with the times to survive and remain competitive, while employees have faced more detailed information about their skills and mastered new working practices.

Industry 4.0: The revolution has begun, the disappearance or change of thousands of jobs is approaching, NUE presents a rescue plan

As many as 65 percent of today's elementary school students will take up jobs in the future that do not yet exist. In the context of Industry 4.0, Slovakia is one of the most vulnerable OECD countries - up to two out of three jobs will soon be threatened here as a result of the Industrial Revolution. The changes that will occur in the coming years will have a radical impact on the Slovak labor market. The number of people of working age will drop significantly, the problem will be significant aging of the population and brain drain abroad. In what directions will the occupations and jobs change? What skills do people have to acquire in order not to lose their careers? The answers to these questions are provided by the strategic document Job 4.0 from the NUE experts.

Sektorovo riadené inovácie

Inovácia vytvorených a tvorba nových národných štandardov zamestnaní v kontexte digitalizácie, inovačných zmien a globálnych výziev – práve to prináša projekt SRI. V nadväznosti na inovačné procesy komplexne identifikuje požiadavky zamestnávateľov jednotlivých sektorov na zodpovedajúcu kvalifikovanosť pracovných síl, ich kľúčové kompetencie, odborné vedomosti a odborné zručnosti. Prenos sektorovo riadených inovácií do systému monitorovania a predvídania potrieb trhu práce sa premietne v systéme celoživotného vzdelávania, najmä odbornej príprave pre slovenský trh práce.


The project aims to strengthen the social partners capacity from Romania and Slovakia to deal with the changing skill demands in the context of the transformation of work that accelerated with the COVID crisis. With a low rate of participation of employees in lifelong learning (LLL) and a relatively weak capacity of social partners, currently, both Romania and Slovakia have limited instruments to support a fair transition in the world of work. With the pandemic, their limited resources were shifted from strategic projects towards direct response measures (e.g., short-time work, economic recovery grants, etc.). With the view to ensure the sustainability of their efforts, Concordia and NUE aim to use some of the insights in the WorkTransitionCEE project (current implementation) and build a more coherent practice concerning LLL.

Competitive businesses and skilled employees – let's prepare together for the challenges of the future

#press releases
The world of work is facing profound changes caused by the digital transformation of society. Automation and Industry 4.0 are gradually transforming traditional production processes into more modern and intelligent ones, bringing opportunities and risks for businesses and their workers. Therefore, employers associated with the National Union of Employers (NUE) have joined forces with social partners from Romania and other international organizations. As part of the international project "Challenges from the time of the pandemic: lifelong learning in Slovakia and Romania," - AdultLearningROSK helps businesses and their employees learn from the pandemic experience and thus better prepare for the future.