
dual education
Duálne vzdelávanie je systém odborného vzdelávania a prípravy na výkon povolania alebo odborných činností, ktorým sa získavajú vedomosti, schopnosti a zručnosti potrebné pre povolanie s významne posilnenou úlohou zamestnávateľa, u ktorého sa žiak pripravuje v rámci praktického vyučovania. Vyznačuje sa najmä úzkym prepojením všeobecného a odborného teoretického vzdelávania v strednej odbornej škole s praktickou prípravou u konkrétneho zamestnávateľa.
vocational education and training
Odborné vzdelávanie považuje RÚZ za dlhodobo jednu zo svojich strategických priorít a jeho správne nastavenie pokladá na kľúčovú podmienku pre udržanie konkurencieschopnosti slovenského hospodárstva.
Jedným z hlavných cieľov RÚZ v oblasti odborného vzdelávania a prípravy na stredných odborných školách je, aby ich absolventi prichádzali na trh práce dostatočne a najmä kvalitne pripravení, v súlade s potrebami a požiadavkami zamestnávateľov. Len absolventi, ktorí sú schopní reagovať na aktuálne i budúce trendy vývoja na trhu práce sa vedia bez problémov profesne uplatniť a následne sa sociálne a ekonomicky osamostatniť.
training of instructors
Odborný výcvik alebo odbornú prax v rámci praktického vyučovania u zamestnávateľa vykonávajú žiaci najčastejšie pod vedením hlavného inštruktora alebo inštruktora, ktorých poslanie a úloha je z hľadiska dosahovania dobrých výsledkov žiakov kľúčová.
tertiary education
Tertiary – that is higher vocational and higher - education has been under great political and social pressure in Slovakia in recent years.
Lifelong learning
Technological progress and the associated digitization and automation of industry are making lifelong learning an increasingly topical and debated topic.
Newest from education

Let's save Slovakian education: employers, students, the Ministry of Education and the accreditation agency are asking for funding for universities

#press releases
Employers associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE), together with the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education and students represented by the Student Council of Universities call on the Ministry of Finance to increased the funding for public universities allocated from the state budget for the coming years. According to them, adequate evaluation can be a key motivating factor for schools to improve their quality.

A cure for acute shortage of workers? Employers' distrust in the quality of vocational school graduates? The NUE pilot project brings a solution that will help schools and graduates, but also companies

#press releases
Significant increase in the chances of graduates of secondary vocational schools to apply, a quality guarantee that will make it easier for employers to find new employees and confirm that jobseekers are trained in accordance with real labor market needs. The project brings added value to schools that are leading students to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for practice. Thanks to NUE, hundreds of the best recent high school graduates from all over Slovakia received certificates that confirm the quality of the acquired knowledge and skills this school year.

Qualification verification system

The needs of employers and the supply of employees in the labor market, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the opening up of lifelong learning opportunities have created a demand for more flexible acquisition of qualifications, based on non-formal learning. Professional employment and human development are often hampered not only by a lack of knowledge, skills and competences, but by a lack of evidence of their acquisition. The national project System of Verification of Qualifications in the Slovak Republic (NP SOK), implemented by the State Institute of Vocational Training (ŠIOV) is intended for those people who are interested in having their knowledge, skills and competences acquired through non-formal education, that is during practice or informal learning. Thanks to the proof, they can obtain a full certificate of qualification without going back to school.

Although in the district form, but still - employers welcome the adoption of the amendment to the Higher Education Act

#press releases
The end of empty phrases - an amendment to the Higher Education Act has become a reality - has been approved by members of parliament. Although the law was approved in a limited form, employers, associations in the National Union of Employers (NUE) nevertheless welcome its adoption. They consider the deputies' decision to be a good start for the return of quality and confidence in Slovak higher education, as well as for the prospective reduction of the outflow of Slovak students abroad.

Educating for the future - preparing students for the green labor market

Environmental protection and the green economy are on the rise - current trends are placing increasing emphasis on environmental friendliness and long-term sustainability in all areas of social life and the economy, including industry. The production of individual products uses less and less energy and uses sustainable and recyclable materials. Labor market requirements are changing - the question of how to obtain future experts in the field of green economy is increasingly being debated. Therefore, NUE has prepared a study that examines the possibilities of creating a new group of teaching and study fields of education that reflect the green transformation of society.

Skills for the future of a competitive job market in Slovakia

The world is in the process of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - that is an indisputable fact. These industrial revolutions have brought so far have had a radical impact on employees. Many jobs have disappeared, but an even more significant amount has been created, and others have undergone a substantial change in qualification requirements. Experience shows that the industrial revolution is not a "scarecrow"; more jobs have been created than lost, but at the same time, what has been done to the full and only in favor of those who were ready for its arrival. Employers have had to keep up with the times to survive and remain competitive, while employees have faced more detailed information about their skills and mastered new working practices.

Industry 4.0: The revolution has begun, the disappearance or change of thousands of jobs is approaching, NUE presents a rescue plan

As many as 65 percent of today's elementary school students will take up jobs in the future that do not yet exist. In the context of Industry 4.0, Slovakia is one of the most vulnerable OECD countries - up to two out of three jobs will soon be threatened here as a result of the Industrial Revolution. The changes that will occur in the coming years will have a radical impact on the Slovak labor market. The number of people of working age will drop significantly, the problem will be significant aging of the population and brain drain abroad. In what directions will the occupations and jobs change? What skills do people have to acquire in order not to lose their careers? The answers to these questions are provided by the strategic document Job 4.0 from the NUE experts.

Employers and employees are in the same boat - unless they keep up with the digital age, they will have to face hard times

Employers of associations in the National Union of Employers (NUE) met with representatives of trade unions, government representatives, and members of the European Parliament. Together, they discussed not only the current state of Slovakia's digital competitiveness but also the real possibilities of fulfilling the framework agreement of the European social partners in the field of digitization. That the world is in the process of the fourth Industrial Revolution is an indisputable fact. The changes that these industrial revolutions have brought so far have had a radical impact on employees. A large part of the jobs has disappeared, but an even larger part has been created and others have undergone a significant change in qualification requirements.

An event that finally provokes a response: the debate on higher education reform is advancing, employers are making concrete proposals to improve the quality of higher education

#press releases
The amendment to the Act on Higher Education (Colleges and Universities), introduced by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports (MŠVVaŠ) SR, triggered an avalanche of emotions on the part of academia and finally activated a society-wide debate on and job-ready graduates. While the academic community has been focusing on petitions and organizing protests against the proposed changes in recent weeks, employers and associations in the National Union of Employers (NUE) want to contribute constructively to the discussion - they are coming up with concrete proposals on how to move Slovak higher education forward and bring it closer to the quality level of advanced countries.
Guarantor in NUE
Peter Fečík Manager V RÚZ pôsobí už viac ako desať rokov, pričom hlavnou oblasťou jeho záujmu je systém vzdelávania v širšom i užšom slova zmysle. Vďaka rokom praktických skúseností sa v RÚZ vypracoval na pozíciu manažér...