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Amazon is the biggest e-commerce company in the world. Our aim is to be Earth's most customer centric company and our mission is to continually raise the bar of the customer experience by using the internet and technology to help consumers find, discover and buy anything, and empower businesses and content creators to maximize their success. Present in Slovakia since 2011, with Corporate Offices in Bratislava and logistics center in Sereď.
Aproxima, Ltd.
Aproxima, Ltd. is one of the largest Slovak companies providing premium services in the field of catering and vending with a focus on the segment of large corporate companies. Thanks to its unique comprehensive know-how, it is able to achieve high quality standards very efficiently with large volumes of service.
British American Tobacco (BAT)
British American Tobacco (BAT) is a leading global tobacco company that was founded in 1902. It currently employs more than 50,000 people worldwide and operates in 180 markets. As part of our "A Better Tomorrow™" strategy, we reduce the impact of our business through, among other things, a wide range of products with reduced risk for our consumers. BAT's product portfolio includes both traditional tobacco products and new categories: smoke-free tobacco products NEO a glo™ tobacco heating devices and – Vuse and VUSE GO vaporizers, or VELO tobacco-free nicotine pouches.
Coop Jednota Slovensko s.d. 
COOP Jednota is the largest retail network in Slovakia with the highest share of sales of Slovak products at 70%. It employs more than 14,000 employees in 25 regional COOP Units and 10 logistics centers. It performs retail activities through 2,100 stores, mainly in municipalities and cities throughout Slovakia.
Deposit return system in Slovakia
“Správca zálohového systému, n.o.” (Deposit return system Administrator) is non-profit organization responsible for creation, administration, financing and coordination of deposit system in Slovakia. The Slovak Ministry of the Environment officially commissioned Consortium of 4 associations of beverage producers & retailers, namely AVNM, SZVPS, SAMO and ZOSR, to establish a central DRS Administrator for Slovakia. Their members altogether represent almost 80 % of all drink containers placed on the market and more than 3,000 retail stores in Slovakia.
ESCO Slovakia
ESCO Slovakia focuses on ecological and energy saving solutions. The group consists of companies whose combined offer covers all services, from consultation and specification of the client's needs, through the design and implementation of appropriate measures, to the follow up management and servicing of equipment.
EU Poultry Ltd.
EU Poultry Ltd. is one of the largest European traders with chicken meat. The company's products, meeting the highest quality standards, are widely represented throughout almost the eastern part of the EU and enable customers to successfully maintain leading positions in their market segments.
EUSTREAM Slovak transmission system operator is modern company with long-standing tradition and extensive experience in the natural gas transmission. Our transmission system comprises reliable segment of the international transmission network and is one of the most important transmission routes for gas to Europe.
Google’s mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. As a part of the Grow with Google initiative, we have already trained more than 120,000 people in digital skills in Slovakia alone
Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure as well as smart devices. Available integrated solutions in four main areas - telecommunications networks, IT, smart devices and cloud services.
IBM Slovakia
IBM is one of the largest IT companies in the world, but also in Slovakia. We are dedicated to business and technology. We help clients effectively reduce costs, risks and streamline their business. Our portfolio of products and services includes artificial intelligence, hybrid cloud and cyber security.
IKEA Bratislava
The Ikea group operates more than 374 IKEA stores in 30 countries with a vision to create a better everyday life for as many people as possible and to offer a wide range of well-designed and functional home furnishings at prices low enough for as many people as possible to afford.
Jozef Beňa - KOTVA
Mr. Beňa is the owner of Food KOTVA in Bardejov. From 1996 to 2009, he operated the Východniarka restaurant in Zemplínská Šírava. In 1999, he opened the first grocery store in Bardejov, and other stores gradually followed.
LVD is the world's leading manufacturer of a range of integrated sheet metal products, including laser cutting machines, punching machines, press brakes, shears, automation systems, Industry 4.0 ready, integrated and supported by its own CADMAN® software package.
Manuvia Slovakia
O2 Slovakia Ltd.
O2 Slovakia, a subsidiary of O2 Czech Republic. A comprehensive provider of mobile and fixed electronic communications services serving more than 2.2 million customers. Company values: fairness, simplicity and transparency. Certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 37001. "
We are a Bratislava municipal company and have been operating steadily on the market for 30 years. Our aim is to valorize waste and ensure quality services in the field of collection and removal of municipal and small construction waste. We provide services to residents with permanent or temporary residence and legal entities in the territory of Bratislava. You can find our activities at
OMNIA INDUSTRY has been operating on the Slovak market for more than 65 years with the main subject of activity, which is the production of forgings and turned parts. OMNIA INDUSTRY consists of three facilities. In these three production facilities, the company produces forgings for applications in the automotive, railway, bearing industries as well as special products used in other industrial applications. The products of the individual plants are delivered not only to Europe but also to South America and China.
OZV ENVI - PAK has been fulfilling the obligations of producers related to packaging waste and non-packaging products since 2003. It provides and finances separate waste collection, recovery, and recycling. From the very beginning, it has used international know-how and intensively educates in the field of environmental protection.
Orange is a leader in providing comprehensive telecommunications services and the largest mobile operator in Slovakia. Its focus is on providing complex digital services for households and businesses that make life easier for customers and at the same time motivate them to use them responsibly.
Penta Investments Ltd.
Penta is a Central European financial group founded in 1994. It currently focuses on long-term investments in healthcare, financial services, retail, manufacturing, media and real estate development.
Philip Morris Slovakia
Philip Morris Slovakia s.r.o. is a leader in the sale of tobacco products in Slovakia. It is mainly dedicated to the development and scientific research of smokeless alternatives. PMI's goal is a smoke-free future in which cigarettes are replaced by smoke-free products for the benefit of adult smokers.
Profesia is a tech company that specializes in the labor market for 25 years and provides the largest job portal in Slovakia. It brings solutions that simplify the whole recruitment process starting with finding candidates, the selection process and efficient employee administration.
RMS Košice Ltd.
RMS Košice Ltd. is a company providing refractory works and service activities in the field of primary production of metallurgical plants and at the same time is a producer of progressive refractory shaped and unshaped materials.
ROPA Group Ltd.
ROPA Group Ltd. operates in the field of resource greening and waste recycling. The main activity is international trade (wholesale) in chemical reagents and secondary raw materials. We have our own logistics and warehouse for carrying out our business and logistics activities.Subsidiary ENVIROPA Ltd. is focused on the field of industrial flue gas cleaning and energy recovery of waste. The main activities are engineering, consulting, technological solutions and technology supply.
SPP - distribúcia, JSC
SPP - distribúcia, JSC is the owner and operator of the gas distribution network throughout the Slovak Republic. It ensures the operation, maintenance of the gas distribution network and the safe and reliable distribution of natural gas to more than 1.5 million offtake points.
School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava
The mission of School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava (abbreviated to „VŠEMvs“) is to educate experts in public administration and regional development by providing higher education in the study program public administration and regional development in the intentions of current European trends in education.
Seesame helps its clients create meaningful communication solutions to stand out, earn trust and be successful. seesame strives to ensure that each of its campaigns is not only commercially successful, but also has a positive impact on society and specific communities. Seesame encourages its clients to be courageous and publicly stand up for the right things, helping civil society, supporting science and research, and combating misinformation.
Sféra, JSC
Sféra, JSC is a Slovak supplier of IT solutions with more than 30 years of experience. It focuses on solutions in the field of asset management and maintenance, railway transport and has gained a significant position in the energy sector, where it has a comprehensive portfolio of solutions for all market participants.
Slovak Telekom, JSC
Slovak Telekom is the largest Slovak telecommunications operator with many years of experience and a responsible approach to business. It provides a wide portfolio of fixed and mobile network services. Slovak Telekom is part of the multinational Deutsche Telekom Group.
Slovenská produkčná, JSC
Slovenská produkčná, JSC is a company that represents Television JOJ in production and management processes. For Television JOJ Slovenská produkčná, Inc.provides: - production of programmes - production of self-promotion - purchase of acquisition titles - planning the composition of the program - sale of advertising - studio and transmission technology - information technology services - financial and economic services
Slovenské elektrárne, JSC
The main activity of Slovenské elektrárne, JSC is the production and sale of electricity. It is the largest electricity generation company in Slovakia. It operates 31 hydro, 2 nuclear, 2 thermoelectric and 2 photovoltaic power plants. It produces up to 95% of electricity without greenhouse gas emissions.
Slovnaft - Montáže a opravy, JSC
SLOVNAFT, JSC based in Bratislava, is a refinery and petrochemical company with an annual processing of up to 6 million tons of crude oil. In addition to the production, storage, distribution and wholesale of petroleum products, it has the largest retail network in the Slovak Republic.
Slovnaft, JSC
SLOVNAFT, JSC based in Bratislava, is a refinery and petrochemical company with an annual processing of up to 6 million tons of crude oil. In addition to the production, storage, distribution and wholesale of petroleum products, it has the largest retail network in the Slovak Republic.
Stredoslovenská energetika
Stredoslovenská energetika, a. s., je dodávateľská energetická spoločnosť so sídlom v Žiline, ktorá je súčasťou skupiny SSE Holding. Na trhu pôsobí 100 rokov a je najväčší dodávateľ energie na strednom Slovensku. Sme tradičným a spoľahlivým dodávateľom energií pre viac ako 663-tisíc zákazníkov. Okrem tradičných komodít elektriny a  zemného plynu, SSE kontinuálne strategicky posilňuje svoju pozíciu v  nekomoditnom segmente a  aktívne rozvíja svoje produktové portfólio. Ambíciou SSE je dosahovať ciele spoločnosti čo najefektívnejšie a  v  súlade s  princípmi trvalej udržateľnosti. Preto pokračuje v  nastúpenej ceste digitalizácie, optimalizácie procesov a zvyšovania zákazníckeho povedomia v  oblasti efektívneho využívania energií.
Tesco Stores SR
Tesco is the largest retail chain in the country, operating in Slovakia since 1996. It operates 153 stores, 18 gas stations, 3 distribution centers and innovative services such as online shopping. The Žabka franchise network also belongs to the Tesco group.
U. S. Steel Košice, Ltd.
U. S. Steel Košice, Ltd. is one of the largest integrated producers of rolled products in Central Europe with a production program consisting of a wide range of hot and cold rolled products, coated products, including galvanized, lacquered, tinned sheets and isotropic sheets for the electrical industry. . More information at
Západoslovenská energetika, JSC
ZSE is part of the largest European energy group E.ON. Its key activities are the operation of the electricity distribution system in western Slovakia, the sale of electricity and gas, solutions focused on the use of renewable resources and the construction of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. | |
Kolektívni členovia
Rozbaliť Zabaliť
The main goal of the Agrarian Chamber of Slovakia (AKS) is to protect the common interests of its members: natural and legal persons, SHR who do business in agriculture and applicants for direct land payments. The members of the chamber perform their activities mainly in the production regions of southern Slovakia.
APPLiA Slovakia – združenie výrobcov domácich spotrebičov
APPLiA Slovakia represents the industry of manufacturers and importers of household appliances in Slovakia such as refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, ovens, products from razors to vacuum cleaners and mixers) and heating, water heating and air conditioning. We are an active member of APPLiA Europe.
ASEP unites important Slovak and foreign industrial companies operating in the sector of mechanical and electrical engineering with the ambition to consistently defend their interests in the creation of economic policy in Slovakia and by representing members in the social dialogue.
Asociácia podnikateľov poskytujúcich služby a remeslá
The Association of Entrepreneurs Providing Services and Crafts is a non-governmental non-profit entity that brings together citizens, legal entities and individuals to achieve a better business environment, provides assistance in vocational education, higher education and lifelong learning. The organization creates material, technical and fund conditions to satisfy cultural, information, educational, health, socio-social and leisure needs for all age groups, social groups of the population and its members.
Asociácia poskytovateľov sociálnych služieb v SR
"""The Association of Providers of Social Services in the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as APSS in the Slovak Republic) is a professional and interest association that unites providers of social services, experts in social services, or organizations of employees in social services. We are an independent and apolitical organization whose aim is to assist its members in improving social services for beneficiaries and to actively participate in the legislative process.
Asociácia slovenských kúpeľov
Slovak Spa Association (ASK) is an interest association of legal entities doing business in the field of balneology, medical spas and other legal entities whose activities contribute to the development and increase of the level of services provided in this area. It currently has 25 members.
Association of Construction Entrepreneurs of Slovakia (ZSPS)
Association of Construction Entrepreneurs of Slovakia (ZSPS) is an independent voluntary, non-political, open economic and interest organization of employers in accordance with § 2 of Act no. 83/1990 Coll. It brings together business entities in construction production, production of building materials, research, development, design and other related activities.
Association of Energy Suppliers
The aim of Association of Energy Suppliers is to support economic competition in the electricity and gas market, reduce administrative burdens and an overall more attractive environment for the energy supply business. The association has 10 full members and 3 associate members, which together represent about 70% of the market.
Association of Research and Development Industrial Organizations
Association of Research and Development Industrial Organizations is a voluntary non-profit interest organization. It is an independent organization uniting research organizations in the Slovak Republic, whose subject of activity is research, development, education, certification and directly related activities such as design, manufacture, installation and operation of systems.
Association of Slovak Cement Producers
Association of Slovak Cement Producers represents cement producers, who jointly operate 4 cement plants in Slovakia. The mission of ZVC SR is to promote a focus on the quality of building materials using cement, to actively build public awareness of the benefits of their use for residential construction and road infrastructure.
Association of Wood Processors of the Slovak Republic (ZSD SR)
Association of Wood Processors of the Slovak Republic (ZSD SR) is a voluntary organization of employers - managers of companies, whose all current member companies are representatives of the wood processing industry or related industries, or represent scientific research potential.
Coop Produkt Slovensko
COOP PRODUKT SLOVAKIA is an open interest association of legal entities, which unites production and other cooperatives. It was established in 1953. In its activities, it promotes, supports and represents the interests of member cooperatives.It is the founder of two Private Secondary Vocational Schools and the Non-Profit Organization CPS DOKORÁN.
Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia (EAS)
Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia (EAS) is the first interest association of entrepreneurs in Slovakia. For more than 30 years, it has been representing small and medium-sized companies in drafting legislation, promoting a significant reduction in regulation, a low financial burden on business and more business independence.
FSOK is an important player in the business environment and a partner of Slovak, French or European institutions. It unites more than 110 members, including the largest foreign investors in Slovakia, and has remained one of the most active bilateral chambers in Slovakia for 25 years.
IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS)
IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS) is the largest professional association of domestic and foreign companies operating in the field of information and communication technologies. The association was established in 1999 as an interest association of legal entities and in 2021 it represents 100 member companies employing more than 30,000 people.
Inštitút urbánneho rozvoja
The Institute of Urban Development is a civic association that brings together various professions operating in the field of urban development and landscape creation. The mission of the institute is to create a partnership between the public, government institutions, local governments and the development industry.
NARKS was registered in 1998, when it was established by merging the Association of Real Estate Agents of Slovakia and the Association of Real Estate Agents of the Slovak Republic, active on the market since 1992 with nationwide operations. The basic goal of the association is the integration of real estate agencies on the Slovak real estate market, their prosperity and the promotion of their interests.
Polygraphy Association in Slovakia (ZPnS)
Printing Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (ZPnS) is a voluntary association of independent legal entities doing business in the field of printing and related industries. The members of the association are printers operating in the Slovak Republic, major suppliers of equipment, software and materials for the printing industry, schools focusing on printing, as well as individual members. The association promotes a climate of partnership among its members, but does not suppress the spirit of rivalry and competition in the printing market.
The SBA is a key association in the Slovak financial sector and the only organization representing the interests of banks. Its main activity is the optimization of the economic and legal environment in the field of banking by promoting the common interests of the sector towards state authorities and the public.
Slovak Battery Alliance
Slovak Battery Alliance (SBaA) is an independent advocacy group composed of legal entities and operating as an industry cluster. SBaA provides for its members cooperation between the public and private sectors, innovators, academia and financial institutions in order to participate in the value chain in Europe. It is the only Slovak cluster with the aim of supporting a comprehensive battery chain in Slovakia.The Alliance was established in 2019 and has received repeatedly with the bronze European Cluster Management Excellence Label, which is awarded by the ESCA. SBaA is a member of the European Battery Alliance, partner of the European Asociation for Storage of Energy and member of the professional organization Flow Batteries Europe.
Slovak Tourism Association
Slovak Tourism Association is a voluntary, apolitical and professionally oriented organization in tourism. We bring together professional organizations, associations and employers operating in the tourism sector.
The Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD SR)
AIVD SR is an independent, non-political civil association that has been developing a tradition in the field of activities contributing to the improvement of the quality of adult education in Slovakia for more than 30 years. The mission of the AIVD SR is to bring together institutions that deal with adult education and promote their common interests, goals and needs. In 120 member institutions (September 2023), the AIVD SR concentrates professional capacities for designing and implementing solutions in the field of adult education. It cooperates with institutions of state administration, self-government, public law institutions and other subjects in the preparation and implementation of legislative and other measures in this area. With the aim of promoting the idea of lifelong learning and in order to exchange and spread experience and professional information, it organizes the Lifelong Learning Week in Slovakia every year. AIVD SR is represented in accreditation commissions, advisory bodies and working groups related to adult education. AIVD SR is a member of the European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA).
The Association of Financial Agents and Advisers
The Association of Financial Agents and Advisers is a professional association of financial agents and advisers who defend the legitimate business interests of these entities in legislative processes in the financial market, helping to increase their competences, professionalism and special financial education. It supports the protection of the rights of financial consumers.
The Association of Slovak Collection Companies (ASINS)
The Association of Slovak Collection Companies (ASINS) is an interest association of legal entities. We advocate for ethical collection at the national and European level and for fair legislation in the area of ​​receivables management. ASINS members respect the personal rights of debtors in all circumstances.
The Association of Wholesalers of Medicines
The Association of Wholesalers of Medicines is a self-governing and voluntary association of legal entities - holders of a permit for the wholesale distribution of medicines in accordance with Act no. 362/2011 Coll. on Medicinal Products Based in the Slovak Republic, created for the purpose of protection and comprehensive support of the common interests of its members arising from their tasks and position in relation to state authorities as well as other members of the distribution chain.
The Food Chamber of Slovakia
The Food Chamber of Slovakia is an interest association of legal entities, founded by food companies operating in Slovakia with the aim of cooperating in defending the common interests of the food industry at the level of state and non - governmental institutions.
The Industry Innovation Cluster
The Industry Innovation Cluster, founded in 2017, is a group of highly committed and proactive companies established and operating in Slovakia with the aim of creating a platform for seizing opportunities for innovation in industry, the digital and green economy.
The Slovak Alliance of Modern Trade
The Slovak Alliance of Modern Trade (SAMO) is an independent, voluntary association of business entities in the field of retail and wholesale. It was established on the initiative of BILLA, KAUFLAND, LIDL, METRO and TESCO, which became its founding members, and today DM DROGERIE MARKT and TERNO real estate are also valid members.
The Slovak Association of Branded Products (SZZV)
The Slovak Association of Branded Products (SZZV) represents manufacturers and importers of branded products with an emphasis on sustainability and a responsible approach to business. Since 1996, it has brought together manufacturers of food, baby food, plant-based food, cosmetics, cleaning products, tobacco products and packaging materials.
The Slovak Association of Heat Producers (SZVT)
The Slovak Association of Heat Producers (SZVT) was established in 1998 as an interest association of legal entities - heat producers with the aim of protecting and supporting their legitimate interests in the production and sale of heat and domestic hot water on the internal market. Today, the association unites more than 100 companies and heat suppliers across Slovakia, employing almost 4,000 employees, who ensure reliable, economical, safe, ecological and affordable heat production and supply in 188 towns and villages in Slovakia.
The Slovak Insurance Association
The Slovak Insurance Association is an interest association of commercial insurance companies operating in Slovakia. Its aim is to represent, protect and promote the common interests of its members in relation to central state administration bodies, other legal entities, the general public and abroad.
The Society of General Practitioners of Slovakia (SGPS)
Spoločnosť všeobecných lekárov Slovenska (SVLS)/ The Society of General Practitioners of Slovakia (SGPS) is the largest medical professional association in Slovakia. It unites and protects the interests of employers - outpatient health care providers in the field of general medicine. SVLS/SGPS is the only professional association in Slovakia that represents employers - outpatient health care providers in the field of general medicine in negotiations with health insurance companies. SVLS/SGPS is a member of international organisations, it organises the complete training of general practitioners (medical students, doctors in specialization training, lifelong learning) and cooperates with medical faculties. SVLS/SGPS provides advice and services in projects related to the positioning of general practitioners in outpatient clinics- general practitioners surgeries. It organises, arranges and professionally guarantees national and international professional and scientific events. It provides professional and material support for science, research and publications in general medicine.
Trade Union of the Slovak Republic (ZO SR)
Trade Union of the Slovak Republic (ZO SR) is a non-profit, non-political, public benefit and professionally oriented representation of employers and entrepreneurs operating in the trade sector. Its activities represent the interests of the business community in the circulation of goods in the internal market, exports and imports.
ČESMAD Slovakia
ČESMAD Slovakia - association of Slovak road haulers is the most influential interest association in Slovakia professionally oriented to road transport. It has almost 1,000 members, entrepreneurs in international and domestic road transport, who have more than 15,000 trucks and buses.
Membership in NUE
Staňme sa partnermi - spoločne dosiahneme viac. Sme najvýznamnejšia a najreprezentatívnejšia odborná organizácia na Slovensku. Za viac ako dvadsať rokov pôsobenia sme z RÚZ vybudovali etablovanú značku a stali sme sa rešpektovanou autoritou v podnikateľskej oblasti i v štátnom sektore. Podieľame sa na príprave politík štátu a kľúčovej legislatívy z podnikateľskej oblasti, ktorá má priamy vplyv na podmienky podnikania na Slovensku. V súčasnosti máme viac ako 75 členov – od menších spoločností až po najväčšie priemyselné podniky v krajine. Naším poslaním je stáť za nimi a hájiť ich záujmy a práva. Členstvom v Republikovej únii zamestnávateľov získa vaša spoločnosť viacero výhod, ktoré by ako samostatne pôsobiaci subjekt nemala.
Benefits of membership in NUE
You will receive regular detailed monitoring of domestic and European legislation, analysis, and evaluation of legislative conditions of business with an emphasis on the knowledge of our members from practice
You will become co-creators of the economic and social policy of the state and specific legal regulations concerning important common interests of employers
You will be part of collective bargaining and influence the work of the Economic Social Council, the State Council and the Board of Public Institutions, where NUE has its representatives and thus get the opportunity to initiate and shape changes in legislation leading to improved and simplified business
You will receive support in the form of consultations, professional advice
You will have regular information on current trends in Slovak and international legislation, economic policy and business environment, social policy, environment, science, research and innovation or education and training
Cooperation with a wide range of renowned experts, including the OECD and BIAC, an OECD advisory body bringing together the most important industry and employers' associations from each of the 34 OECD member countries
Through NUE, you will become a member of the umbrella organizations of social dialogue at European level (European Commission, BUSINESSEUROPE)
You will get the opportunity to participate in projects from various fields, across the sectors of the economy, in order to improve the business environment at the Slovak and European level
Would you like to become a member of NUE?
If you are interested in membership or cooperation, please, contact us.
Secretariat NUE +421 233 01 42 80