Social Corporate Participation Space

social dialogue
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High quality social dialogue procedures are already making their way from Norway to Slovakia, Oslo

#social dialogue
Representatives and experts of National Union of Employers (NUE), as well as representatives of the Independent Christian Unions of Slovakia, participated in a workshop on measuring the quality of social dialogue and the social environment in companies and organizations that has taken place on 12th, January 2023 in Oslo.
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High quality social dialogue procedures are already making their way from Norway to Slovakia, Oslo

#social dialogue
Representatives and experts of National Union of Employers (NUE), as well as representatives of the Independent Christian Unions of Slovakia, participated in a workshop on measuring the quality of social dialogue and the social environment in companies and organizations that has taken place on 12th, January 2023 in Oslo.
About author
Ivona Holzerová Financial manager Je absolventkou Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, V RÚZ pôsobí od roku 2017 ako projektová a finančná manažérka. Zodpovedá za riadenie a koordináciu národných a medzinárodných projektov z...