Legal Service

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Legal Service Legal department +421 2 33014280 It actively monitors legislative processes in Slovakia and abroad. In the interest of its members, the Legal Department of the NUE actively enters the Slovak legislative process in all its phases - it comments on individual draft laws, and also, in the interest of improving the Slovak business environment, proposes its own draft laws.
Other team members
Andrej Beňo
Lawyer Absolvoval štúdium na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Právnikom RÚZ je od rok...

Guidelines for the employment of Ukrainian citizens in Slovakia

NUE brings you, in connection with the declared state of war in Ukraine, an overview of key rules and obligations and the procedure for employing the Ukrainian citizens in Slovakia. We also bring you more detailed information about Act no. 480/2002 on asylum, according to which the government decided to provide so-called temporary refuge to Ukrainian refugees.