Katarína Marenčák

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Katarína Marenčák Project manager Absolvovala Fakultu manažmentu Univerzity Komenského. V RÚZ pôsobí od roku 2020 na pozícii Projektovej manažérky. Riadi a koordinuje európske projekty, je tajomníčkou podvýboru pre digitálnu ekonomiku, no zastrešuje aj komunikáciu so zahraničnými partnermi, autoritami a odbornými inštitúciami. Vďaka skúsenostiam z oblasti online marketingu je aj súčasťou komunikačného tímu RÚZ.
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Press & Comms
Press and communications +421 2 33014280 The PR and Comms Department is responsible for the external communication of NUE with the media and ...

Call for offers on promoting activities within the AdultLearningROSK project

NUE is looking for a supplier to create a visual identity, graphic materials, audio visual materials, and microsite to promote the project Challenges from the pandemics: adult learning in Romania and Slovakia“ –AdultLearningROSK, a project co-financed by the European Union.


What will happen to the millions of European citizens affected by both automation and the COVID-19 crisis in the following years and what skills we need to develop to keep pace with a constantly changing world of work are questions that WorkTransitionCEE project will try to find answers for – a project co-financed by the European Union that brings together six representative social partners from Central and Eastern Europe.